31 Maret 2009

How to Increase Load Pages Faster in Internet Explorer 7

Sometime the pages will load slower if open too many tab with Internet Explorer 7 even the speed of the internet is fast. Some users will try to tweak the network connection speed as TCP/IP to improve the speed. Anyway if IE7 was cause the slow of loading pages, we must fix or tweak it so that it can load faster when browsing on any pages.

Now users can follow the below step to increase the speed of browsing with Internet Explorer 7 on any other website. Copy the below code and paste in the notepad, save as TweakIE7.reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

Double click the file “TweakIE7.reg” and click yes to allow modified the registry.

Note: This regkey (TweakIE7.reg) is only support Internet Explorer 5+ and above with all version of Windows. Happy browsing :)

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